Welcome In 2025

Another year closes …. I can’t say that I am exactly sad to say goodbye to 2024 and all its worldwide turmoil. I am ready to welcome a fresh start and I’m looking forward to 2025 bringing creative and personal joy. I can only hope that this will extend to others and most particularly to all of you.

I am committed to lots of distracting fiber activities in 2025 and I’m particularly absorbed in the outlines of my own teaching - and another visit from our dear Lily from South Africa. Here’s what is already firmly ON the calendar:

The Sweater Series at Fiber Circle Studio - 2025

Lots of great content to keep your garment inspiration flowing strong - all year long!

The Sweater Series Reunion: JANUARY 16, 2025, Fiber Circle Studio in Petaluma.

Have you knitted a sweater (or maybe more than one!!!) with me during the FCS Sweater Series? If so I hope you will join in a Reunion Tea on January 16th at 2:30pm. Show and Tell and reconnect with fellow garment knitting friends for a tea party. Email invitations with details coming your way soon.

My First Knitted Sweater:

January 18, 25, February 22, March 22 and April 12

Take your time to learn everything you need to know to approach knitting a successful sweater. This class is designed for me to be by your side from choosing fiber to the last ends woven in on a sweater that will fit you well and make you feel great wearing it. The generous timeline allows for plenty of relaxed knitting as you go step by step through the process of making your sweater. Along the way you will learn skills and discernment that will build your confidence for all the garments in your future. Sign ups for this class can be found by clicking here

The Modular Sweater Series: Buy any session individually - or the whole series (at a wee discount)

March 29,  April 26,  May 24, June 21

Pick any seamless garment pattern of your choice - no restrictions - and choose any or all of the modules that you would like to explore:

  • Module 1:  Choosing a size, developing a plan, reviewing swatches

  • Module 2 :  Skills review for sweater knitting - for example increases and decreases, fixing mistakes and new techniques in your pattern

  • Module 3:  Modification decision making, completing sleeves and bodies

  • Module 4:  Finishing.  Weaving in ends, seaming, blocking, buttonbands and button holes

Private lesson consultation for pattern and yarn choices is also available ahead of class - should you want it.

Sweater Series: Cardigans

September 27,  October 25, November 22 and December 13

Let’s explore cardigan construction - top down/bottom up, necks, shoulders, open fronted, buttoned and steeked!  Pick from this array of beautiful cardigans and try something new! This is a class for confident knitters

The Melby Yoke by Gudrun Johnston (steeked)

Stopover Cardigan by Mary Jane Mucklestone (steeked)

Rebel Cardigan by ankestrik

Hazel Cardigan by Yun Jeong

Kallias by Isabelle Kraemer

Flock Fiber Festival in Seattle: August 8-10, 2025: Join me at this West Coast Fiber Festival. Stay tuned for more details.

Stitching Story Bags: October 6, 2025: A Slowfiber Wishbone Retreat Day in Monterey, CA

Jaki Cartwright of slowfiber has been stitching stories for most of her life. Her slowfiber space in Monterey contains a world of vintage, reuse, recycled and special treasure materials just waiting to manifest themselves into our own story stitched project bags. Lily Turner of Wishbone Yarns in South Africa is joining Jaki to help us create our own unique project bags from gathered materials in this relaxing day of collage, collaboration and creation at the historic hacienda Casa Munras in Monterey. October is a wonderful time of the year on the coast of California. The weather is fair and warm and the crowds have subsided. There’s so much to do and see from a base in Monterey. We hope you can join us - and make a weekend of it perhaps to explore all that the Monterey Peninsula has to offer.

Updates and sign ups coming soon.

So lots on the horizon - and more in the planning stages.

May you enjoy the company of those you appreciate the most over these next 2 weeks. I appreciate each and every one of the members of my yarn community - you inspire me and support me and I am grateful for it.

I hope to enjoy your company along the yarn way in 2025 and thank you so much for your support in 2024.

Gayle RavenscroftComment