Let's get outside ....

Magic awaits …..

Magic awaits …..

It’s been quite a time. Fourteen months ago Pacific Knitting Retreats went into lockdown … along with all of you. As many of you are aware, technology is neither a skill, nor a particularly compelling activity for me, but more of a necessary evil. So … apart from extricating myself from all the happy plans that had been scheduled for the last 14 months, I navigated how to keep our community together as best we could on Zoom. A few weeks I thought …. as we all did. Little did we know ….

I am thankful to have had the patience and support of my friends and students, the presence of my family and the commitment of my community to safety and science that I can report that I think we have survived. Many did not fare as well, and my heart aches for those. It will take us a long while to absorb the full impact of loss and disruption from this period. And through it all, stitch by stitch, knitters kept their hands engaged in making. It is a craft that has endured and comforted through many crises - and no doubt many more. So … let’s get right back into sharing it together, shall we?

One of the best things that happened during the pandemic was the arrival of a brown padded envelope from a fellow Fibershed producer, Marcia Barinaga. It contained some ‘clips’ of the fleeces from her mixed flock of sheep. They made me incredibly happy - and rather excited. This little envelope led to quite a fiber adventure and a magical visit to one of the most beautiful places on our little planet - Barinaga Ranch. I can’t think of a more appropriate place to celebrate us, our fiber community and all the bounty of West Marin as we emerge from the stuffy confines of a pandemic induced hiatus! So I am DELIGHTED to invite you to join in the first Post (in hope!) Pandemic Pacific Knitting Retreat on June 26th at 10:30am at Barinaga Ranch. Find out more here.

We will revel in the good company of sheep, their land and their yarn, outside in the fresh air of Barinaga Ranch.

I will look forward to seeing whoever can join in this lovely day. May it be the first of many to come as we welcome ourselves back into knitting in company.